Thursday, August 18, 2011


Fred Flintstone wasn't the cure-all we thought he'd be, for our little lint-eater.

Here she is selecting a particularly delightful bundle of fuzz from a wool blanket.

It's not uncommon to find her with a bundle of fuzz grasped firmly between her thumb and finger. Especially in the morning when we pluck her from her crib. More often than not, she has a little fuzz tumble weed in her hand or lost in her hair.

It's crazy. I think she knows that her habit is a little 'off.' Which is why she runs away when we catch her harvesting lint.

Miss Ellie is a healthy, vibrant little girl. I'm not concerned that her fuzz eating is a symptom of a greater issue. More than anything I think it's a.... colorful habit. (Literally.) But a habit that we need to move away from, nonetheless.

Fear not, Fred Flintstone. We haven't given up on you. We'll continue to purchase your candy vitamin product. After all, everyone loves you and if it helps Ell even a little bit, we're all in.

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