Monday, August 15, 2011


I'm addicted to Pinterest. I have managed to control my addiction and refrain from adding to my pin boards until the end of the day when all of my other tasks have been completed. It's like a little gold star that I give to myself.

Lately, I've been drawn to images on Pinterest of t-shirt refashions. As a matter of fact, I have several such images pinned on my 'Upcycle' board.

I decided that it was time for my obsession with t-shirt recycling be put into practice. This weekend I converted this old green tee into a play dress for Ellie. I winged it... but the result was an okay first attempt.

True to her stubborn self, Ellie really didn't want to be photographed wearing said dress. She was having plenty of fun running around in it, thank you very much... But she wouldn't stand still for longer than 3.7 seconds. And I'm a slow photographer. So, I have one smallish, blurry picture of her wearing the result... sigh...

I don't have this t-shirt upcycling bug out of my system yet... and I see a second dress in Ellie's future. This time, I'll allow for less of a seam allowance. And measure twice. And photograph Ellie wearing the result while she sleeps.

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