Sunday, November 20, 2011


Sometimes weekends have a magical quality. Maybe it's the opportunity to focus our attention solely on each other. To recharge the batteries, to rejuvenate and lighten a heavy heart. Or maybe it's just magic, pure and simple.

Aside from one really extraordinary event, the weekend was very quiet... slow and easy. Most of our time was spent inside. The weather was chilly, with those first bits of winter white accumulating at the edges of the lawn. It felt right to stay cozied up inside.

The extraordinary, to us it's extra special, to other families it might be a common practice... was lunch at a restaurant as a family on Saturday. Benett was in awe. He said, "Momma, they make food here!" It struck me as funny... but sadly, this is probably one of the only times in his memory of being in such a place.

Amazingly, it went really well. Little innocent Ellie only let a single blood chilling scream escape that pretty little mouth of hers. Benett only tried to get on the floor under the table twice. And Gavin was perfectly wonderful. Helpful and mindful. Monte and I did a little mental high five as we were walking out the door. It was extra special... maybe even fun... but I'm not sure we'll be pressing our luck any time soon.

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