Monday, November 28, 2011


This year, Monte made some time for a little Black Friday shopping... although that's a technicality. It was more like Thanksgiving night shopping. I'm not sure how I feel about the retailer races to be the first to open. I'd like to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving, without feeling like it's just a milestone to be overcome before the holiday shopping season begins... but the ploy worked. Monte was one of those standing in a line, waiting hopefully for a deal that was just to good to pass up.

His enthusiasm was contagious... although I didn't get out to do any shopping, I did decide to start decorating the house for the holidays. I decided that Friday would be a good day to wrestle with the Christmas tree. That little contest convinced me that I'll never purchase a pre-lit tree again. Ever.

Pre-lit trees sound like such a great idea. And with their uniformly lit branches, they look so pretty. But, undoubtedly, one or two strands of the lights will stop working after a couple of years... since the tree is in such good shape otherwise, the naturally inclination is to de-light the tree. Which I did. It was anything but a delight.

On a completely unrelated note, what do you think of my little model? She's sporting a scarflette. Where have I been? These things are wonderful! They posses all of the neck-warming without the bulk of a full length scarf. Secured with a couple of little buttons, they stay put and are toasty warm. Of coarse, it looks much cuter on Miss Ellie, but I think I'm a convert nonetheless...

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