Wednesday, October 31, 2012


If you've ever wondered what a happy Storm Scout looks like... this is it. He's grinning from ear to ear under that mask; loving every candy-filled moment. Gavin and his cousin raced from house to house tonight. We've never really let him do that kind of thing... but even though he's my little boy... he's old enough to be on his own in the neighborhood. He loved that freedom... that coupled with wearing a mask and hiding his identity was liberating. He didn't protest at all when it was time to head back to the house.

Benett tried to keep up. His little legs moved as quickly as he could make them go. Keeping up with the big boys was a challenge for him, but he did a great job. He was content to move as fast as the other kids pushed, as long as Dad wasn't too far away.

Ellie took the short route, stopping at only a couple of houses with her littlest cousin. I think she enjoyed being the big girl in the situation and encouraging her cousin to keep up.

All in all, the night was filled with fun, just as it should be. And I can count it as a success because the kids were back home... with teeth brushed, PJ's zipped up and prayers said by bedtime. Now, if I can only keep myself from peeking into their treat buckets, the night will be a complete success.

Happy Halloween!

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