Friday, April 29, 2011


The book of my life has been filled with some really great characters. There have been villains and there have been hero's.

The story has consisted of fun adventures and painful events. All of which have been learning experiences.

There has been love in my story. There has been loss too.

Today one chapter in my book ended. It was a great one... again filled with many people and experiences. This chapter helped me to define where my skills lie... what I enjoy in a career. This chapter spanned 14 years of my life... years filled with some of the most significant things that will ever happen to me. I met and married my husband in this chapter. My children were all born in this chapter. I found some of my life's greatest friends in this chapter.

Today the Author decided that this particular chapter must come to a close. It's bittersweet... but it's also okay. Time marches on, and I've realized that I need something new. A challenge. A couple of new characters in my story. Maybe even a little drama to spice things up (just a little). 

As I reflect on where I've been and where the future will lead, I'm not sad. I've become the person I am today because of what I've done along the way. I have a lot to learn and a lot to do, but I've grown a lot too. I believe that is what life's Author has in mind.

1 comment:

  1. You have such an amazing way with words. So long HJ...hello Lifetouch. A new chapter begins. We'll get through this together.
