Tuesday, August 14, 2012


We're having a bumper crop, in the tomato section of the garden. Although the vines seem to have an endless supply of fruit on them, they aren't very pretty looking. My entire garden for that matter is a wreck.

I had these grand ideas that our summer routine would include a few hours each day spent tending the garden; the little people helping out as only little people can. My garden was going to look the best it ever has... I was already enjoying that beautiful place before the summer even began.

Sadly, that has not been the case. In my fantasy, I forgot how much work it is to keep everyone moving from milestone to milestone throughout the day. Our schedule is full of nothing particular, but full nonetheless.

I guess I'll have to come to terms with the fact that the gals are the only ones tending the garden this summer... and be glad that they haven't figured out how good tomatoes taste.

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