Friday, June 1, 2012


September 2011
Today is the last day of school for Gavin. It's funny, because only yesterday he was excitedly walking onto the bus for the first day of Second Grade. He was so proud and nervous and excited and ready. I think I was too.

Today as he raced out to the bus, he was a different boy, clutching a small bouquet of lavender for his bus driver. He just had to give her something... had to share a little piece of his happiness.

I wanted to take a picture of him this morning, in the worst way. I thought about it last night before drifting off to sleep... that I'd snap a quick picture to remember this milestone. And to prove to myself that he's a little bit more grown up than on the first day of school... I know I would have compared first and last day pictures and tried to pick out each way that he looks changed... a slimmer face, a bit taller, still excited but in a new way now... and my heart would ache.

But the flowers were more important to him, so that's what we did instead.

Life is filled with beginnings and endings... Both are necessary and good in the way that means we grow and change; evolving into wiser versions of ourselves. And the heartache that comes along with it? Well that is okay too, because it just means we savor what comes next a little bit more, taking nothing for granted.

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