It was a beautiful afternoon and sitting inside, or being at home for that matter, didn't seem right. So we took the little people to a local park for a picnic and swimming.
There were no people there, we had the place to ourselves. The kids ran and played. Made sand castles and hauled pail after pail of water to make rivers and moats around their castles.
Ellie had a great time too... but her idea of a great time consisted mainly of eating sand. By the handful. Every time we'd turn around, she'd be licking sand off her lips and her cheeks would be full of the stuff. She'd then promptly run off, with a sand muffled giggle.
I just don't get it. How she can stand to have sand on her mouth, much less eat the stuff... it's beyond me... So Monte and I ended up taking turns on sand patrol.
That made her feisty.
Her feistiness makes me pray... mini prayer after mini prayer. I've got my hands full with her and she's not even two. I don't want to think about what's in store for me in the years to come.
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