We're nearly delirious from the fresh air. I don't want to jinx anything, but it is starting to feel more like spring. Even the little stone crop are starting to burst forth, in earnest. I love these little flowers and their tiny fuchsia spots.
Actually... this time of year I find myself "loving" most anything that's green and growing in my garden.... it means I've been able to actually spend time in my garden, enjoying my surroundings, and that's a great thing in my book.
The boys and I rushed through dinner in anticipation of spending some quality time in the garden. We loved every second of preparing the raised beds to receive those tomato plants we've lovingly tended since February. It was great!
I was pleasantly surprised that Benett and Gavin stuck with it for so long. Breaking up the crusty top soil, and smoothing the dirt. It was like therapy for all of us.
Benett was especially in his element... He chattered and dug and played as Gavin and I worked. Eventually he became fascinated by the worms that we uncovered. Benett surprised me when he wanted to hold each, and when I expressed how careful he should be, he obliged.
Not only oblige... in fact, Benett decided that a part of being gentle and careful with the worms meant that he should hug them before he 'tucked' them in to a hole he had lovingly prepared for them. I can honestly say I've never considered it myself... but it seemed perfectly natural for Benett. I thought it was cute and sweet... Gavin just said, "Uh... gross."
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