Monday, February 21, 2011


As a child, I'm quite certain that hearing someone was turning 40 would elicit thoughts of 'old people.' Tomorrow my beloved becomes one of the elderly. It's a milestone that he will reach with little drama. For him, it's just another day. But it's a day that has me thinking.... wondering how this decade will be defined.

The first 10 years were childhood. The formative growing-up years where values are instilled through the daily lessons in life. It's when fond memories of carefree days are recorded one after another. There were countless miles traveled on bicycle from home to pool to ball field and back home again. It was life on Richland Avenue.

The next 10 transformed a successful high school student to college student intent on taking advantage of the college way of life. (Winona State sounded like a good place to have fun.) From college to a professional career and marriage, the twenties were filled with and maybe defined by change.

The last 10 years have been filled with firsts. Our first home together. Our first 'real' vacation as a couple. For the first time being responsible for the life of a child. Gavin's birth. The loss of Grandma Humble. Benett's birth. Promotions at work. Ellie's birth. Baptisms, first steps, first teeth, celebrating potty training and lamenting the sleepless nights. It seems like we've lived a lifetime in the last 10 years.

How will we define the next 10? I'm counting on more firsts. I'm counting on good times. I know there will be not-so-good ones as well, but we'll get through those. Now I understand the saying, "Grow old with me, the best is yet to be." There is always something to look forward to, as long as you're journeying through life side by side with those you love.

Happy Birthday, Monte. I love you.

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