Each year we host a National Sales Conference. Our best customers, retail sales offices and management are invited to attend. We've been planning the event for months. My contingent departs on Thursday. I think we have some great content. I'm excited about that.
From the time we arrive until the time we head back to the airport to come home we'll be busy. Really busy. Meeting with customers. Planning marketing activities for the next season. Sharing exciting program information that will help each attendee plan operating activities for the coming year. That is the kind of thing that drives me. I want everyone who attends to be as excited about the products and programs as I am.
We'll have full plates. We'll be busy all day, with little time to touch base with loved ones. That is the part that has been eating at me for as many months as we've been planning the meeting. I'll be away from my family for 6 days. I've never been away from Benett or Ellie for that long. (Unfortunately, I can't say that about Gavin... When he was three months young, I had to leave for this same meeting. It was nearly unbearable.)
So to prepare myself and the little people for the time I'll be spending away from them, Monte & I tried to make some memorable moments this past weekend. Nothing extravagant, just meaningful time spent in the everyday activities.... extra one-on-one time with each of the little people. It was nice.
One of the highlights was movie night. It wasn't anything special. Just a tray of snacks, a cozy blanket, a Disney flick and little people on my lap. It was nice.
Monte has some things planned for this coming weekend, to keep everyone busy. It will be good for him and the kids. I'll miss them. I'll miss not being a part of their activities. I will think about them often. I can't wait for the feeling I'll have when I check out of the hotel... when I board the plane... when I walk back in the door at home.
But until that happens, I remember movie night.
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